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Please Help Support
I started as a free service to the global Jewish population in 1998, when I was still a college student. Back then, I couldn't possibly have predicted that this site would become as popular as it has, as there are now thousands of PilotYid members from around the globe. Now, more than five years later, I am a married man with a full time job and needless to say, I no longer have the time that I used to have to devote to this site. In addition to the financial costs of running this site, I spend a lot of time maintaining it, updating it, and answering all of the e-mails I get on a daily basis from people who write to me for help and advice. The more popular this site becomes, the more money and time I spend running it.

Many of the contributors to the PilotYid Software Collection have told me that the only reason they have created the Palm software that they created was because they knew it would be publicly available to the world through this site. Without many of these texts and software would never have been created. I would like to continue developing PilotYid and see it grow even more, so I am asking you to please help support this site through one of the easy ways that I have set up below, and if you like, have your name listed on the Supporters of PilotYid page.

To see the list of wonderful people who have already helped this site grow by donating to, please see the Supporters of PilotYid page. If you like, when you give a donation of at least $5 to PilotYid using any of the methods below you can send me any information (name, initials, city, state, country, etc.) that you would like me to put on the Supporters of PilotYid page.
How can I help?
I have set up a few different ways that you can easily support all of the time, money, and effort that I put into while helping it continue to grow. If you would like to help, please take a look and find one that suits you. They are:
Support by easily donating with your credit card
You can safely and easily help support the work I do and help this site grow by donating to using your credit card through the PayPal service by clicking on the button below. You will be taken to the secure PayPal site where you can safely enter your credit card information, and the amount that you would like to donate to Also, if you like, after donating at least $5 using PayPal, you can send me any information (name, initials, city, state, country, etc.) that you would like me to put on the Supporters of PilotYid page. Please let me know if you have any questions (
Support by easily donating with your account!
If you are an customer, you can easily donate to using your current account through's 'Honor System'. When you click on the button below you will be taken to a page on's website where you can enter how much you would like to donate to, as well as get more information about how this works. Also, if you like, after donating at least $5 using Amazon, you can send me any information (name, initials, city, state, country, etc.) that you would like me to put on the Supporters of PilotYid page. Please let me know if you have any questions (
Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More
Support by mailing a check
If you would like to help support by mailing a check, please send me an email at and I will send you my mailing address. Also, if you like, when donating at least $5, you can send me any information (name, initials, city, state, country, etc.) that you would like me to put on the Supporters of PilotYid page. Checks can be made out to Aaron Engel. Thank you.
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